8 ( 5 / 5 )
It was a very positive experience. It came quickly. It was in a beautiful ring box. I love it. It was well worth the money. I wear it all the time.
8 ( 5 / 5 )
I bought this for the heck of it and have worn it a few times, very nice quality ring that gets tons of compliments. It is a large ring and has lots of detail. I would buy again..
8 ( 5 / 5 )
Bought it for my cousin to keep her new engagement ring in and was very upset with the size. I felt like the gift wasn't worthy but I gave it to her anyway, because I am lazy. It was very small but will hold her ring.
8 ( 5 / 5 )
I loved the personalised ring. It's beautiful, but after wearing it for only a few hours I got a nice green ring around my finger...making me feel like it's not really sterling silver. I'd hesitate to buy again.
8 ( 5 / 5 )
This ring is very comfortable and is exactly what I was looking for. It is sturdy and looks good. Very nice ring!
8 ( 5 / 5 )
I love it. It's classy, wide god band with set stones, which are clear looking and individually stadning out. As a result the personalised ring is smooth to the touch and stones do not irritate adjacent fingers.